Relevant info 'bout me

  • I'm from Argentina and my mother tongue is Spanish, but i can speak English, Portuguese, Italian and Japanese.

  • +18 yrs old.

  • I'm studying at college for a Bachelor of Biological Sciences.

  • Currently on a relationship w my bunbun

  • Butch lesbian.

  • I'm oversized.

  • I'm neurodivergent, chronically depressed and mentally ill.

  • I'm a big sucker for: Animals, Art, Crimes, Horror and Dark concepts.

When interacting with me

  • I tend to answer to all my replies, if i don't, i will like your tweet.

  • No need to use tone-tags.

  • I talk about EVERYTHING without marking spoilers or trigger warnings [Unless i show a photo] so please be careful.

  • I might come off as rude, if i do please bear with me, it's just my way of talking and doesnt means i'm mad at you.

  • I tweet in Spanish all the time although i don't have any problem tweeting in English.

  • I take my time answering DMs and usually i don't like using them, but if you wanna contact me personally you can talk to me through Discord.


  • Edtwt/Shtwt or any subtwt that normalizes mental illness.

  • Basic DFI criteria: Zoophiles, Pedophiles [Loli/shotacon], zionists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc.

  • I'm not that much aware of people that follows me and i tend to be open-minded, but if you wanna be my mutual and i find you annoying i will softblock you.

“when people fall in love with someone’s flowers and not their roots, they don’t know what to do when autumn comes”